Nångång måste allting skaka

Live visuals

Vänd oss inte ryggen
”Nångång måste allting skaka” is a modern interpretation of the St Matthew Passion, created by the musicians Staffan Hellstrand and Fredrik Blank, the author Bob Hansson, the film artist Helene Berg, and the theologian Elin Engström.

To create consistent live visuals for the concert, incorporating the songs by Staffan Hellstrand and newly written texts by Bob Hansson, as well as finding a graphical representation for a series of short text verses from the St Matthew Passion.

I based my work on the different themes in the texts and music, and used a combination of documentary and staged film material along with abstract and animated film sequences. The quotes from St Matthew's took on different forms, sometimes as rolling teleprompter text, sometimes as handwritten animation, or in the shape of an SMS. The film material was programmed in VDMX and mixed live to follow the events on stage.

Film, sketches, ink, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, VDMX

Productionyear: 2014, on tour in Sweden 2014-2015

Nångång måste allting skaka
Nångång måste allting skaka
Nångång måste allting skaka
Nångång måste allting skaka
Nångång måste allting skaka
Artistic team:
Music: Staffan Hellstrand
Text: Bob Hansson
Live visuals and poster: Helene Berg
Guitar, song and backtracks: Fredrik Blank
Creative producer: Elin Engström