Different performances

Odjuret/ Zirkus Loko-motiv
Performance and disguised art theft in connection with an exhibition by Torbjörn Berg and Dan Wedegren at Nationalgalleriet in Stockholm.

Thieves: Ylva Törnlund, Helene Berg, Puma Berg, Varja Berg
Tape recorder operator: Malcolm Leijonnhielm
Documentation: Satu Tielinen
Production year: 2008

Kristina från Duvemåla

Kristina från Duvemåla/ Briggen produktion
Mimeactress and dancer in musical based on a story by Wilhelm Moberg, directed by Lars Rudolfsson and music composed by Björn Ulveus and Benny Andersson.
Production year: 1998-99

Zirkus Loko-Motiv, Varberg

The Dream of the Peacock/ Zirkus Loko-motiv
Performance as egg and live visuals at "Varbergs Culture Day and Night" with Zirkus Loko-Motiv.

Production year: 2012

Zirkus Loko-motiv, Etnografiska museet

Eldperformance/ Zirkus Loko-motiv
Performance with Zirkus Loko-Motiv outside Etnografiska Museet, Stockholm
Production year: 2005

Guldkottegalan, Zirkus Loko-motiv

Guldkotten/ Zirkus Loko-motiv
Openingcermoni at the annual experimental filmfestival "Guldkotten" at Hageboop, Ethelhem, Gotland
Production year: 2018

Vintergatan, Zulamith , Salami, Zirkus Loko-motiv

Vintergatan/ The Milky Way
Puppets and puppeteer in Vintergatan/ The Milky way, a production by Zirkus Loko-Motiv based on the poem with the same name by Zacharias Topelius. On tour in Sweden and Finland.

Production year:2001